DSWD Region 6 hiring 20 Area Coordinators, salary at P43,000

Department of Social Welfare and Development in Region 6 announced that they are now looking for 20 Area Coordinators which will be assigned within Western Visayas. Apply now!

DSWD Field Office VI located in Molo, Iloilo City posted online that they have anticipated vacancies for Area Coordinators under the KALAHI CIDSS Program. The job opportunity will be under the Cost of Service arrangement.

Accepted applicants will get Salary Grade 18 pay or a monthly salary of Php43,681.00. Interested? Check the details below.

Qualification Standards

EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in Community Development, Public Administration, Social Work or any of the Social Sciences course. Post-graduate degree or units in social science, sociology, anthropology, community development, development research, project management, and/or development studies will be an advantage.

WORK EXPERIENCE: At least five (5) years of combined, progressive experience in project management, community organizing, and community development strategies/methodologies, two (2) years of which should be in a supervisory capacity. Experience in Participatory Local Governance, Community-based Resource Management, Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction Management, Gender and Dvelopment, and Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Building, and IP sensitivity will be an advantage. Prior work experience in the KALAHI-CIDSS and other similar CDD Projects will also be an advantage.

TRAINING: At least eighty (80) hours of relevant training in community organizing, and community develoment approaches, strategies/methodologies. Training in Project Management, Gender and Development, Participatory Local Governance, Community-based Resource Management, Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction Management, or Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Building, and IP sensitivity will be an advantage.

The Area Coordinator (AC) oversees and manages day-to-day operations of the area coordinating team (ACT) in the municipality. The AC supervises members the team in the exercise of their specific functions in implementing National Community-Driven Development Program (NCDDP) development processes and interventions along the Community Empowerment Activity Cycle (CEAC), and establish, develop, operationalize, and maintain ACT operations management systems, processes, and mechanisms to ensure efficient and effective ACT operations. S/he likewise coordinates with the Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU), its various offices, and the members of the Municipal Inter-agency Committee (MIAC) and Local Poverty Reduction Action Team (LPRAT), and the DSWD Municipal Action Team (MAT) to mobilize support for NCDDP operations in the municipality, and oversees the preparation of community development projects to ensure that these meet the technical and procedural requirements of the program.

1. Annual ACT Operations Plan/Work and Financial Plan (WFP)
2. Stakeholder Maps
3. Approved Request for Fund Releases
4. Approved project reports
5. Performance Evaluation of ACT members
6. TA to communities in project preparation and completion
7. Updated municipal Project database/s

1. Prepares the annual ACT Operations Plan / WFP in consultation with the team
2. Facilitates the municipal Participatory Situation Analysis (PSA) planning workshop, the Criteria Setting Workshop (CSW), the Project Development Workshop (PDW), the Municipal Inter-Barangay Forum (MIBF), municipal Accountability Review and Reporting (ARR), MIAC meetings, and other municipal-level activities relevant to the Project.
3. Consolidates development issues (economic, environmental, socio-economic, barangay administration, etc) in the municipality as identified in the PSAs
4. Facilitates ACT planning sessions to brainstorm and agree on strategies to manage situations/people based on analysis of reports, activities, etc.
5. Reviews and approves intervention plans of ACT members within set standards (based on manuals and other management policies)
6. Organizes launch of NCDDP the municipality to orient stakeholders (LGU officials, barangay councils) on NCDDP and to facilitate commitment setting
7. Orients various stakeholders in the municipality (LGU officials, barangay councils) on NCDDPto facilitate commitment setting
8. Conducts capability building activities that include training, team building, coaching, mentoring, task demonstration, peer sharing, case conferences, reflection session, focused group discussions
9. Guides the MIBF in criteria setting, project prioritization, resolving issues, managing conflicts and emotions arising from the decisions, and in deciding sanctions for erring barangays
10. Coordinates with existing inter-agency / inter-department mechanisms – LPRAT/Municipal Inter-Agency Committee, MCT, etc. – for poverty reduction to: (a) Mobilize support for NCDDP implementation; (b) Facilitate resolution of issues; (c) Facilitate monitoring of Project activities; (d)Facilitate identification and mobilization of resources, and; (e) Facilitate issuance of local policies to facilitate Project implementation
11. Explores other possible sources of funds for non-priority barangays and coaches the LGU on how to tap donor agencies
12. Negotiates with LGU officials on behalf of the sub-projects on possible and/or additional Local Counterpart Contribution (LCC).
13. Monitors proper utilization of Project funds by reviewing all requests for fund releases against physical and financial reports, reviewing documentary requirements, and by securing the inputs of the Municipal Financial Analyst (MFA). Endorses funds release for the project.
14. Conducts Stakeholders’ mapping (including Mayor Profiling), and develops and implements strategies for: (a) Engaging municipal stakeholders; (b) Matching of resources and programs (convergence), and; (c) Social marketing.
15. Discusses with the municipal officials – mayor, municipal engineer, Municipal Development Council – their roles to the projects and enlists their support.
16. Convenes joint monthly meetings of the ACT and MCT for planning, performance assessment and updating of plans for succeeding period as well as for problem resolution
17. Monitors performance of ACT members through report review, held visits, or spot checks
18. Reviews and approves all ACT-level project reports and documents prior to submission to the RPM()
19. Monitors operationalization of Project policies and directives by the ACT
20. Assists community facilitators and MIAC in resolving conflicts
21. Conducts regular ACT reflection and learning sessions, and facilitate generation and documentation of best practices in Community-Driven Development (CDD) implementation from local experience
22. Facilitates workshops on: (a) preparation of community project proposal, and; (b) operation and maintenance (O&M).
23. Conducts quality check on all ACT training programs
24. Coaches the ACT on expected outputs to be generated in meetings and in ensuring community compliance to the agreements in the Barangay Assemblies (BA).
25. Performs municipal level coordination, negotiation, reporting, facilitation of support needed, follow up of LCC (ie, presenting results of Community-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (COME)ad ARR to LOU
26. Facilitates municipal level meetings
27. Presents results of CBME and ARR to LGU and negotiates on next cycle Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). 28 Monitor the progress of the sub-project implementation (SPI) and handles grievances/ red flags if any.

Qualified applicants must apply online thru this link: https://bit.ly/dswd6jobs, and attach the following documents on or before April 26, 2021.
• Application Letter addressed to
SAO / HRMPSB Chairperson
Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office VI
M.H. Del Pilar Molo, Iloilo City

• Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet with Work Experience Sheet which can be downloaded at www.csc.gov.ph (Download HERE);
• Transcript of Record & Diploma;
• Copy of performance rating in the present position for one (1) year or its equivalent and must have at least a Very Satisfactory rating during the last period (for Government employee).

Note: Interested and qualified applicants regardless of gender, disability, civil status, ethnicity, religion, etc. may apply. Walk-in applicants will not be entertained in observance of the new normal. Request for extension of submission and application with incomplete documents will not be considered.

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Nonoy Taclino

Hi, I'm Nonoy of Iloilo City, and thanks for supporting my Nonoynet.com Tech and Lifestyle blog! I've been blogging and creating content in this digital space for over 15 years now, and hoping to share and interact with you more in this blog and other platforms in the days, months and years to come! You may also follow me on Facebook @digitalilonggo, Instagram @digitalilonggo and Twitter @nonoy. See you around Iloilo!

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