SECONDARY 60% Pass Score: Nov 2017 ALS A&E Test Results

Department of Education (DepEd) has updated the list of passers of the November 2017 Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A&E) Test based on the lowered passing score of 60%.

Education Secretary Leonor Briones heeded the call of ALS test takers to change the passing score after a dismal results of the exam given last November 19 for Luzon and 26 for VisMin areas.

ALS A&E Test results were released on February 9, and only 16.5% passed in the Elementary level and 15.6% for Secondary.

Briones said that they are changing the passing score from 75% to 60% after finding out that the November 2017 ALS A&E Test were “more difficult than the previous ones, and impaired the fairness of the test.”

[READ: DepEd changes ALS A&E Test passing score to 60%]

Here’s the updated list of passers for SECONDARY (Junior High School) Level Test:

Please share this post to all test takers of November 2017 ALS A&E especially those who might got 60% and above passing score.

You may also get your final score through Certificate of Rating (COR) issued by Deped Division Offices.

Those who did not make it may take the next ALS Test this March 4 (Luzon) and March 11 (VisMin), or the next batch sometime in October.

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Nonoy Taclino

Hi, I'm Nonoy of Iloilo City, and thanks for supporting my Tech and Lifestyle blog! I've been blogging and creating content in this digital space for over 15 years now, and hoping to share and interact with you more in this blog and other platforms in the days, months and years to come! You may also follow me on Facebook @digitalilonggo, Instagram @digitalilonggo and Twitter @nonoy. See you around Iloilo!

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